Slow down and recharge your batteries
Nimm dir Zeit zum Entspannen und Auftanken.

Yoga, Nidra
& Sound Baths

Slow Flow to Yin & Sound Bath

Yogastunde im Zürich Seefeld

  • Jeden Donnerstag, 18.15 - 19.30

  • Im Yoga Seefeld, bei der Tramstation Höschgasse

  • Einzelstunde CHF 30
    Schnupperstunde CHF 20
    Abo 5x für CHF 130 innert 6 Monate, exkl. Events

  • Auf Anmeldung

Möchtest du nach der Arbeit einfach mal den Kopf abschalten und zur Ruhe kommen? In meinen Yogastunden kannst du sorglos loslassen. Mit fliessenden Yoga Sequenzen kommen wir wieder in unseren Körper zurück und Verspannungen werden mit sanften Dehnungen gelöst. Unsere Praxis wird anschliessend mit einem Alchemie Klangbad abgerundet, so dass du tiefenentspannt deinen restlichen Abend geniessen kannst.

Was dich erwartet:

  • Kurzmeditation und/oder Atemübung

  • Slow Flow to Yin (Easy Vinyasa & Yin Yoga)

  • Sound Bath during Yin and pure sound healing at the end (ca. 40 min)

Die Yogastunde findet auf Schweizerdeutsch
und je nach Wunsch der Teilnehmenden auch auf Englisch statt.

Would you like to experience a yoga nidra?

Then join me at the next event at Elevate Studio in Zurich City, near Stauffacher.
My events are suitable for all levels and are taught in English.

Depending on the participants, I can also teach in Swiss German. Except for the yoga nidra: I am writing my scripts in English. :)

Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath
Saturday, 28 September 2024

Elevate Studio, Zurich
10.00 - 11.15, CHF 38

What to expect:

  • Breathwork

  • Guided yoga nidra meditation (45 min)

  • Sound bath with alchemy crystal singing bowls throughout the meditation (40 min) & pure sound healing at the end (20 min)

  • Tea

Forest Bathing

Rustling of the leaves - crisp air - scents of woods - shades of brown and green - birdsong

Start your weekend by recharging your energy with the sensations of an autumn forest walk.

This practice is designed to invite calmness, a feeling of grounding, and stillness.

Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath
Thursday, 31 October 2024

Yoga Seefeld, Zurich
18.15 - 19.30, CHF 38

What to expect:

  • Breathwork

  • Guided yoga nidra meditation (45min)

  • Sound bath with alchemy crystal singing bowls throughout the meditation (40 min) & pure sound healing at the end (20 min)

  • Tea

Forest Bathing

Alpine forest - crisp air - scents of pine trees - shades of brown and green

End your day with a short city escape into the alpine pine forest. Anchor yourself with the grouding mountain energy and breathe in the rich aromatic scents of pine trees.

This practice is designed to invite calmness, a feeling of grounding, and tranquility.


  • Manuela's Yoga Nidra class opened a new world of yoga for me. She seamlessly combines activity and relaxation, gradually calming every physical and mental part.

    Stan K.

  • The yoga flow and yoga nidra workshop was a deeply enriching experience. It pushed my limits in the best way possible and the sense of relaxation I felt afterwards was truly rewarding! I highly recommend Manuela to anyone looking to deepen their practice; her guidance and expertise made all the difference to me as a beginner. Don't miss the chance to practice with her!

    Magda U.